
Discover the enchanting world of Ghanaian peanuts! But wait, what are peanuts anyway? Peanuts are not nuts, but legumes! They grow underground and belong to the pea and bean family. Fascinating, right? 🌱💡 Although not technically nuts, they are just as crunchy, nutritious and delicious! Our Ghanaian peanuts are grown with care by local farmers who strive for sustainability and authenticity.

Peanuts in a ship
Foto Pinda
Peanuts in a ship


Peanuts are among the world’s oldest, most beloved but least understood crops. They have had different names over the years, such as goobers, pinders and ground peanuts, the scientific name being Arachis hypogaea. Their origins go back more than 5,000 years, when they were first cultivated by South American Indians. Later, they were spread to other cultures by Spanish and Portuguese explorers. In the U.S., the development of peanut culture is attributed to African slaves who planted peanuts in their personal gardens, inspiring other farmers.

Under the right conditions, a peanut seed grows into a plant 45 to 60 centimeters tall. It has hairy stems, oval leaves and small yellow flowers low on the plant, resembling butterflies. There are two types of peanut plants: creeping plants that spread like vines and grow peanuts under the branches, and bushy plants where peanuts grow close to the main stem and taproot.